4 min read
Probiotics are more than just a temporary hype created by popular media. These helpful microorganisms are believed to provide a wide range of health benefits, including relief from asthma, allergies, diabetes, and other conditions. However, unlike a passing fad, probiotics actually have a robust body of research and clinical findings to back them up.
While you do not need to believe that probiotics have miraculous effects, you can believe these powerful research-backed facts on how probiotics support weight loss. Separate the chaff from the grains, and see for yourself how probiotics support your weight loss goals and bring you closer to your target weight with minimal effort.
Fact #1 – Probiotics can boost your metabolism and help your body convert food into energy.
The human body contains approximately 100 trillion microbes – more than the total number of cells in the body. Most of these microbes reside in the gut. While some bacteria can cause harm in the body, many strains are actually useful.
Clinical studies show that a balanced gut microbiome affects your metabolic rate, and has a direct effect on how much energy your body absorbs from food. Research is also being conducted on specific bacterial strains that potentially boost energy and fat absorption in the body.
Fact #2 – Probiotics help suppress food cravings and appetite.
According to research published in The British Journal of Nutrition, probiotics help suppress appetite by reducing the amount of leptin produced in the body. Leptin is a hormone that affects food cravings and appetite regulation. Certain intestinal bacteria harvest more calories from food which eventually results in obesity. The right probiotics can help you reduce this type of bacteria in your body.
The hormone GLP-1 is known as the satiety or appetite-reducing hormone. A higher amount of GLP-1 in the body helps you burn more calories and fat. Remarkably probiotics encourage the release of GLP-1.
Fact #3 – Probiotics help reduce existing body fat and hampers weight gain.
A study in Sweden researched the effects of the probiotic strain Lactobacillus paracasei in reducing fat storage. It was found that this strain of probiotics boosted the levels of the protein ANGPTL4. This protein has a direct effect on your body’s ability to store fat. The Lactobacillus family of probiotics are being studied in depth because these strains seem to have a great effect on weight loss and maintenance. In one study, it was found that consuming fermented yogurt that contains Lactobacillus fermentum or amylovorus helped reduce body fat at the rate of up to 4% within 45 days.
Fact #4 – Probiotics fight the genetic destiny of your weight gain.
Often, you may have heard that all the members of a single family have a proclivity to put on belly fat or store fat is particular areas of their bodies. The genes you inherit have a direct bearing on a number of aspects of your growth and body basics. To a large extent, your genes also dictate the condition of your intestinal microbiome as well as your body’s capacity to properly digest and harvest nutrients from food.
If you think your weight issues are due to your genetics, probiotics may be your best bet to change this story. A probiotic supplement can changes your gut flora and create a rich environment for thriving and healthy bacteria. In this way, probiotics actually help to fill in those genetic gaps that are responsible for your weight problems.
Fact #5 – Probiotics reduce inflammation in the body and help you burn fat naturally.
Higher levels of inflammation are intrinsically connected to a number of conditions. Research shows that people suffering from obesity and Type 2 diabetes have much higher levels of inflammation throughout their body. Since these are severe weight conditions, you will need to make changes to your lifestyle so as to add a healthy fresh produce diet and a regular exercise plan to your daily routine. In addition to these changes, adding probiotics to your diet can further help reduce inflammation and boost your body’s natural ability to burn fat.
Fact #6 – Probiotics help reduce the weight-gaining effects of antibiotics.
A great scientific and technological development, antibiotics are life-saving medications but they also have a negative effect on the probiotic population in your body. In fact, the use of antibiotics has been directly connected to weight gain. Preliminary studies show that antibiotics cause a molecular shift in the bodies of humans and other animals which enables rapid building up of fat content. In some situations, antibiotics are not avoidable. However, you can reverse the weight-gaining effects of these miracle drugs by bolstering your diet with probiotic supplements.
Probiotics and Everyday Considerations
Just like some probiotic strains support weight loss, some support weight gain. So its important to remember that the effects of the probiotics depends on the type and strain you are consuming. This makes it even more important to choose the right probiotics to further your weight loss goals. LoveBug Probiotics have designed a proprietary blend of excellent probiotics that support weight loss and maintenance.
Here’s the Skinny is a probiotic supplement that contains over 10 billion live cultures of 8 carefully pre-selected strains in the form of action-packed tablets with patented Bio-Tract technology which makes them 15 times more effective than other capsules in the market. Here’s The Skinny is formulated to help streamline digestive issues by introducing bacteria that work hard for optimal weight-control. It also helps boost your mood and energy levels so you lose your excess weight but not your smile.
When it comes to weight loss and probiotics there is a lot of research and clinical studies that have provided valid insight into the benefits of adding probiotics to your diet regime. So follow the science with us and consider adding a probiotic to your diet today.
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